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Everything you need to know about mezzanine goods lifts
04 June, 2024

Everything you need to know about mezzanine goods lifts

What are mezzanine goods lifts? Also known as warehouse goods lifts or pallet lifts, mezzanine goods lifts serve mezzanine floors and intermediate levels between a...
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Everything you need to know about warehouse lifts
14 May, 2024

Everything you need to know about warehouse lifts

With online shopping on the rise, more companies are looking at different ways to store and move goods more efficiently. This blog explores selecting the best warehouse...
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The role of hotel lifts
02 May, 2024

The role of hotel lifts

In today's competitive hotel industry, every detail matters. The guest experience begins the moment they step foot through the door. From luxurious interiors and...
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Lifts for listed buildings
25 April, 2024

Lifts for listed buildings

Traditionally, easy access to historic, listed and religious buildings can be challenging and ensuring the installation does not interfere with the building's original...
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The types of lifts for education
22 June, 2023

The types of lifts for education

Does every educational building in the UK have lifts? Where there is a requirement to travel between floors or over steps, there should be a lift for those less able to...
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Lift or elevator? The history and origin
02 May, 2023

Lift or elevator? The history and origin

The Cambridge English Dictionary definition of a lift (noun) is a device like a box that moves up and down, carrying people or goods from one floor of a building to...
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How to complete your manual handling risk assessment
24 April, 2023

How to complete your manual handling risk assessment

A manual handling risk assessment is a document that details all the different types of manual handling tasks and the risks of injury that they could cause to your...
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Avoiding the costs of manual handling risks with a lift
01 February, 2023

Avoiding the costs of manual handling risks with a lift

Did you know that every year more than a third of all over-3-day injuries reported to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) or local authorities are due to manual...
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Lift cleaning - a step by step guide
02 November, 2022

Lift cleaning - a step by step guide

For every lift owner, building owner and facility manager, lift cleaning should be a regular activity, but it sometimes can be overlooked. To help you, we have created a...
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What is a dumbwaiter?
12 October, 2022

What is a dumbwaiter?

However you write it, ‘dumb waiter’ or ‘dumbwaiter’, the term's origins are puzzling. The name of this small service lift and the history of how it came into being are...
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FAQ: Dumbwaiters & service lifts
12 September, 2022

FAQ: Dumbwaiters & service lifts

In this blog post, we'll clear up some of the most common questions we've heard about Microlift dumbwaiters and service lifts. Read on...
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Goods lifts: frequently asked questions
01 September, 2022

Goods lifts: frequently asked questions

In this blog post we'll clear up some of the most common questions Stannah has heard about goods lifts. If you have a question that isn't covered here then please do get...
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8 types of lifting equipment to make material handling easier
16 August, 2021

8 types of lifting equipment to make material handling easier

We explore the different material handling equipment employees can use to enable the free movement of goods around a building, from A to B, or G to 1,2,3,4 or more.
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Own a Lift? 3 Key Lift Regulations You Need to Know
20 January, 2021

Own a Lift? 3 Key Lift Regulations You Need to Know

The legal requirements surrounding the provision and use of passenger lifts and goods lifts provide a framework to ensure best practice. This blog gives an overview on...
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What Are the Main Types of Goods Lift?
28 December, 2020

What Are the Main Types of Goods Lift?

Goods lifts play a vital role in moving goods of every shape, size and weight—as they stand, on trolleys and pallets or in crates and roll cages between floors of up to...
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What Is a Food Lift?
08 December, 2020

What Is a Food Lift?

These hard workers go under many names, including dumbwaiters, service lifts, catering lifts, kitchen lifts, back-of-house lifts and restaurant lifts. Speeding up...
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